In case you didn’t know, Seth Rollins will be out of action for the next 6-9 months due to tearing his ACL in a live show while in the ring. If you can’t sense the sarcasm in my tone, believe me it is there at an all time high. This has been the topic of conversation everywhere except CNN. Granted, I know Rollins is popular and was gaining steam as the franchise of the WWE, but this isn’t the first time storylines needed to be overhauled on short notice. Every major superstar has been sidelined for a certain period of time at some point in their careers and the WWE has found a way to survive.
Obviously, not every time were these wrestlers the current WWE Champ and the penciled in headliner for the next handful of PPV’s, but they were certainly notable personnel. This just makes creative have to think even more and devise a plan that will keep genuine interest in a product that was already in a ratings struggle. In my opinion, this is nothing short of a blessing for the fans and the locker room. It is a scenario that will force them to think outside the box and put into play a storyline that injects some newfound excitement, as well as bring back an audience that already had a sour taste in their mouth.
There has been tons of conversation all over social media as to who will replace Rollins and why certain wrestlers will not. With all due respect to anyone who has speculated on Triple H or Vince not being sold on a particular individual, how do you know that is true? The only people that know this information to be truthful are the ones inside the locker room and at the creative tables putting together all the matches. So that being said, I am thinking of many creative ways for this to play out and some of them could seem over the edge, but that is what speculation is all about.
1. The obvious solution is to give the strap to Roman Reigns and turn Dean Ambrose heel. This would give the WWE part of what they wanted with two-thirds of the Shield battling it out for the next several months with a few added players in the mix. Roman gives them the opportunity to use Kevin Owens as a formidable opponent as well. There is a good 3-4 months worth of storylines just waiting to unfold.
2. Another solution could be to have Triple H lace the boots back up and reclaim glory once again. The message could be that he saved the company and the Authority by doing what was best for business. This could then set him up for a rematch at WM32 against Sting in a battle for revenge. I know this isn’t the obvious choice, but Hunter is by no means out of shape and he could serve as a formidable choice over the next few months, even if he’s not the champ.
3. Another choice could be Kevin Owens. I know most will say he doesn’t deserve the shot and it’s too early for him to shine. However, his experience on the Indy scene gives him one leg up on the others. He has shown he can go toe to toe with anyone and put on a great show in front of any audience. His following and mic skills are already established.
4. What if the Deadman had one more 3 month run in him as champ? If Brock Lesnar could be champ without wrestling on a live show, then so can the Undertaker. He could come back as the Minster of Darkness and be the leader of the Wyatt’s and his brother Kane. This could have the Authority scrambling to find another leader or send Triple H in there himself to do battle. Hell, even Roman Reigns against the Deadman could add some intrigue to any show and last a few months as well.
5. Attention..Due to a change of mind and focus, CM Punk has re-signed with the WWE. Okay, I just woke up from that dream…..Next!
6. Lastly, depending on his health, it could always be Daniel Bryan. This would be the perfect scenario to give someone who is already over and experienced in this storyline his time to reclaim the fame. Bryan would instantly inject the spark needed and would be able to hold down some formidable matches for as long as Seth needed to recover.
These are all just random thoughts that come to mind and nothing that was calculated or researched by any means. Don’t beat me up too much as this was just thrown together pretty quickly. It was being covered a lot on this site, which made me hesitant to put a story out there at all. However, I decided to just add some thoughts without the pictures and put my creative spin on it.
One thing is for sure, Seth Rollins will be missed because of what he brought to the table, not because of what he is leaving. The WWE has built up a decent pool of talent over the last few years and now it is time for them to shine. What do you see happening?
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