Hulk Hogan’s ex-wife won a judgment against her former boyfriend for talking about their relationship. reports that a judge awarded Hogan $49,000 in fees over violating a settlement in which ex-boyfriend Charlie Hill spoke out about their relationship.
Hiill originally sued Hogan for $1.5 million last year, claiming that he was treated like a day laborer and forced to do menial chores such as waxing their yacht, fertilizing twenty-five acres of avocado trees and more. The suit was thrown out earlier this year and Hogan filed her own suit saying that Hill violated the terms of their settlement agreement by talking about their relationship.
Hill filed a response saying that he he only spoke out because Hogan used alcohol to make him more complaint, and that he doesn’t want underage guys to have the same problem. That argument didn’t work though, and Hogan won the $49,000 in fees for her attorney. Hill has been banned from further discussing their relationship.