Saturday, February 15, 2025
EditorialWWE Top 8 Non Surprising Releases That Could Happen!

WWE Top 8 Non Surprising Releases That Could Happen!



No.1- Zack Ryder- Since the start of 2012 where all his momentum was killed during an idiotic feud with Kane, John Cena and Eve Torres; he has virtually done nothing important as a performer. His role has been downgraded and he has now been allocated to the role of a jobber in which would be fine, except he rarely appears on TV in the first place which makes things a whole lot worst because of his contribution value. It’s amazing how a superstar can go from the most over; fan favourite character to literally a no one at the bottom of the card who even struggles to be put on live event shows let alone TV shows such as RAW and the littler ones like Main Event and Superstars. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we reach 2016 and Zack Ryder was not with the company anymore, would you honestly?

No.2- Hornswoggle- Since his leprechaun days came to an end quite sometime ago he has done nothing fun, exciting nor important in his persona. The company has tried the little man with many gimmicks such as being a mascot and teaming with the likes of DX and 3MB in which all fizzled out over time. The situation would not at all be as dangerous if there wasn’t another new little guy on the scene going by the name of El Torito who can actually wrestle and amaze the crowd in comparison. I believe Hornswoggle has run his course in the company and given how much TV time he has currently it doesn’t look as if he will be given a more prominent role as a character nor time to develop. Just like Zack ryder i wouldn’t find it a surprise at all if this man isn’t with the company by the beginning of 2016. 

No.3- David Otunga- This man has not wrestled for good over a year and has done little PR work to my knowledge for the company. He hasn’t done anything of significance since The People Power Days which was way back in 2012 when he was John Laurinitus’s right hand man. I am not sure what the situation is with Otunga given that i have never known a performer to be signed with the company so long and not perform for such a long time period when uninjured. This is why it would not at all surprise me if he is released from his Superstar contract to make room for the up and coming new NXT talent. 

No.4- Layla- She is neither a Total Diva nor an important TV character anymore, her past accomplishments give her credibility and reason to be saved from such a cruel wipeout but so did Drew McIntyre’s. As of recently she has been out injured but before hand she had little to no storyline in the first place and was basically used as the divas jobber. Layla is also at an age where she is very unlikely to get another push as a serious contender so therefore would be returning in the same unimportant, boring; pointless role. Would it surprise me if Layla was released from her contract? No, purely because the lack of interest her character brings and the money the company make off of her as a product. 

No.5- Christian- The company has way to much respect for the veteran to just completely release him from his contract as i agree they should. The difficult thing about this situation though is that Christian hasn’t performed in over a year and likely never will again for the company due to injuries and concussions he has recently been dealing with. So what better way to solve this than to release Captain Charisma from his Superstar contract and give him a high paid backstage role as a talent agent or something? I know many Peeps will hate me for this but its easier to face the truth in circumstances such as this one. 

No.6- Rosa Mendes- The company really needs to make room for high quality talent coming up from NXT into the divas division and what better way than to get rid of the girls right at the bottom of the pecking order starting with the Latina bomb shell? We all know last year she was saved from the releases purely because of her new role on E! Total Divas. This time round don’t expect Mendes to survive and expect next season to be her last on the hit reality programme. The 9 year veteran doesn’t even have a finisher move like really, are you serious? and with new up and coming talents eager to take her spot light and a lot more deserving based on wrestling ability, she will be easily replaced and as an audience member hardly even missed. 

No.7- Adam Rose- This man has suffered from a terrible gimmick which has been a complete and utter failure on the main roster. With little to no credibility to his name as a performer on the main roster expect the South African native to be saying his goodbyes unless he can reinvent himself in a matter of months. His character is a bore and his gimmick is stale and old and given that he isn’t the youngest performer on the roster expect little to no chance for the guy to reinvent himself as a completely new character. Would i be surprised for Adam Rose to bounce off over a cliff with his bunny into the no mans land? I think you know the answer to that. 

No.8- Goldust- As we all know the king of weird, Goldust is looking to end his in ring career as a performer/wrestler and unlike all the other participants on this list expect The Bizarre one to be released from his talent contract and be rehired in a backstage role for definite unless he chooses otherwise. With a career spanning over a period of 20 years through 3 decades this man will be able to easily teach new talent a thing or two about this business.

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