Back in July here on eWn, we reported that CMLL owner Paco Alonso had passed away. That left his daughter Sofia to take over the promotion. According to a report from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Sofia has “the title and some power” but her uncle Chavo Lutteroth has been making all of the financial decisions as of late. He previously ran things before Paco.
There is talk about increasing the amount of money the promotion gets and they also want to increase prices to American promoters. Also, they want to cut the guarantees that their top stars get. While legends like Atlantis, Blue Panther and Negro Casas weren’t cut, some of the bigger young stars like Dragon Lee were. With that being said, Dragon Lee was pulled from three shows, including their anniversary event. He was originally set to team with Mistico against Volador Jr. and Caristico, but was replaced by El Terrible.
While there is no official word on why Lee was pulled, it’s believed that CMLL told Lee and Cavernario they couldn’t work PWG BOLA and they did so anyway.