Thursday, February 13, 2025
NewsBooker T Discusses CM Punk's Rumored Return To WWE

Booker T Discusses CM Punk’s Rumored Return To WWE



Booker T recently weighed in on the rumors circulating about CM Punk’s potential WWE comeback, questioning the value of such a return to the company, given the current state of WWE and the complex history between Punk and the organization.

You can check out some highlights from the latest edition of Booker T’s “Hall of Fame” podcast below:

On the CM Punk-WWE rumors, potential Survivor Series return in Chicago: “People are speculating that CM Punk will be making his return to the WWE at Survivor Series. You know what, for me that’s a hard one. That’s a hard one to actually believe. You know me, I’m normally pretty close, pretty accurate when it comes to rumors swirling around out there. And this one is something I saw, but nobody has really confirmed anything. Nobody has said WWE, people have said they are in talks with CM Punk. I think this is a rumor being speculated upon, just because Survivor Series is going to be in Chicago and CM Punk is from Chicago. CM Punk showing up at Survivor Series would be an internet buzz.”

On whether CM Punk returning to WWE even benefits the company: “But this is my question. At this point in time right now when everything is going so great. Not just from an in-ring perspective, but an out-of-ring perspective as well, as far as the company is doing great. What does CM Punk add to WWE right now at this point? What does CM Punk add to WWE. Now, let’s look at it from this perspective right here. If CM Punk worked this contract in AEW and it was coming up, and Punk didn’t sign with AEW and WWE actually got in and got him and boom! I think we would have something. But CM Punk didn’t just leave WWE; he got fired from WWE. He didn’t just leave AEW; he got fired with cause from AEW. What value does a person like that bring to your company? I mean, I’m just being honest here. You tell me. People [say], ‘Well, you got a lot of people that’s going to love it. He’s got a lot of fans that are going to love it.’ Yeah, he’s got a lot of fans, but those fans actually mean nothing when it comes to the big picture. Because the fans that love him didn’t bump the ratings that much on AEW, where it was that much more significant than it was before he actually got there.”

On CM Punk’s value as a talent in 2023: “I don’t know what cool matches are you talking about. What I’m saying is, CM Punk — I mean, his better wrestling days are behind. All right. That’s just a fact. He’s not getting any younger. CM Punk [is] now what, 44? 45? And I know people are going to say, ‘Well, Bobby Lashley is 45, no one’s saying that about Bobby Lashley.’ When you look at Bobby Lashley — first of all, that’s all you gotta do is look at Bobby Lashley. Bobby Lashley, take his shirt off, the only thing you are saying is, ‘Damn, this guy looks good.’ It’s the only thing you’re saying. There’s a vast difference between that 45 and this 45. As far as the work goes, Bobby’s work rate is nowhere near declined to where you would say, ‘Well, this guy’s too old to be wrestling.’ Agree with me, to disagree with me on that. And one could say the same thing about CM Punk. But the one thing I am saying is, have CM Punk lost a step? Is CM Punk the same CM Punk when he was in WWE? Was that match saying Punk against Samoa Joe the same CM Punk/Samoa Joe match that they had in Ring of Honor. No, it isn’t.”

On Punk’s impact on the locker room, whether he is worth the hassle: “So my thing is like you say, investing in young talent is where I see the company thriving. As well as, you know, we could talk about the locker room and the attitudes in the locker room, and how the karma in the locker room and the Zen of the locker room. Does it really, really mean anything? Oh, hell, yeah. It means a whole lot. I say it all the time, just say for instance at Reality of Wrestling, my small little wrestling company. When there’s one loose link in the chain, we take that link out and we get rid of it every time, and we just keep rolling. And the show doesn’t stop, not one bit. It doesn’t even slow down at all. And that’s the problem I think, you know, bringing in someone like Punk. Can we mend those fences? Of course, we can. But do we want to go through having to try in those fences? And why?”

On CM Punk showing up to a RAW taping while still under contract with AEW, albeit on hiatus: “I know it was some words that CM Punk wanted to make his return to WWE sometime before his dismissal at AEW, he was talking about making a return. I know at one point in time, he had showed up at one of the shows and they pretty much escorted him out of the building. I don’t know what was that angle all about. As far as him just showing up, that makes some sense to me. But I remember, we talked about that and somebody said, ‘CM Punk showed up at WWE Raw tonight.’ And I said, ‘Man, I don’t believe that. That’s not true. That’s not true at all.’ And then somebody had let us know in the comment section that he had just got escorted from the building. And then I go, ‘Oh, I can believe that.’ [laughs] I don’t know if you remember that.”

On whether CM Punk & WWE can mend fences anytime soon: “Just because there’s no love lost there between CM Punk and the WWE. And then to just make it go away by saying, ‘Hey, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said about all the things that I said. I didn’t mean any of that. And it’s over. Let’s start over, and everything will be fine. Let’s just start over and let’s just be friends again and forget about everything that went down.’ Some of the relationships that was broken with CM Punk when he left that company, it’s literally unspeakable. I can’t even sit here and talk to you about them, because they’re just so unbelievably out there. It’s like alien-like out there, you know what I’m saying? Where you’re like, ‘Wait a minute, I can’t believe that. I didn’t see that, that didn’t happen.’ That kind of stuff, you know? So for me, I don’t. I don’t see it happening. If it does happen, quote me as being one that was just wrong on this one. That’s the only thing I can say about that. But I truly cannot see that happening anytime soon.”

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