— Booker T did an interview for WWE Magazine and said that not showing respect is the biggest mistake a young talent can make in the business: One of the lost arts of this business is respect. That’s truly one of the things that made this business what it is today. Respect is Number One for me. I came up in a company the South, and I was one of the few black guys on the roster. I had to earn respect from guys like Ric Flair. It didn’t come overnight. But I will never forget the night Ric Flair came right up to me and said, ‘Kid, I’m passing the torch to you.’ For Ric Flair to talk about passing the torch — well, that meant I had gained his respect after all those years.
— An article is up on WWE.com examining CM Punk’s heel turn on Raw and whether it was justified. You can see it here.
— The New Age Outlaws have a video interview on WWE.com where they discuss the DX reunion from the 1,000th Raw last night. Check it out here.