Friday, January 17, 2025
NewsBraun Strowman Reflects On His 2021 Release, Talks Elimination Chamber

Braun Strowman Reflects On His 2021 Release, Talks Elimination Chamber



Braun Strowman sat down with the Toronto Sun to promote the Elimination Chamber match that’s happening in Montreal in February. Strowman has a bit of history in that match, once eliminating four other competitors in one match. Will Strowman compete in 2023’s Elimination Chamber match? Strowman spoke about that, as well as reflecting on his release from WWE in 2021.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

His release from WWE in 2021: “It was a very hard pill to swallow because at the end of the day, I realized that I was put on this Earth to be a WWE Superstar. At first it was a big shock because it was like ‘All right, what am I going to do now?’ I didn’t want to do anything else.”

How he used the time away to his benefit: “It was a nice opportunity to take a step back and appreciate what I had been blessed in life with, and what I had done with this company in the first six years. If you look back, you name it, I did it. I won every title except one. I main evented every pay-per-view, I wrestled everybody under the sun, I sold out every building on this Earth. And when you’re on the road every day in a different city, different country, different town, you kind of get blinders on and it’s just like driving on the Autobahn at 200 miles an hour: you don’t realize what’s going on in life. So it was an awesome opportunity in a bad (situation) to take a step back and realize how blessed I truly was.”

WWE’s change in leadership: “I think it’s awesome. It’s always evolving. I always had a great time with Vince when he was in charge. He always led the steam for the motion of what WWE is. I have a great relationship with Steph and H [Hunter], and they’re such amazing people and they have such a passion for the business and the industry. You can see with the little Easter eggs hidden here and there, I think they’re evolving the show to be even more fan-oriented.

“We’re putting products on the TV and I’ve heard it time and time again with me being back from my friends and others saying things like ‘Hey, I had a friend over who’s not a wrestling fan and we turned it on and so and so was on and they did this and all of a sudden now we have a new fan hooked.’ At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. It’s about drawing new eyes in, new demographics. WWE is the top of the mountain when it comes to sports entertainment, and Stephanie and H are doing such an amazing job with the young talent that we have in the locker room, portraying these storylines along and just putting out a great product and it’s showing in views and everything else across the board. I couldn’t be happier to be back at this time, helping drive this bus into the future.”

His history with Elimination Chamber: “I believe I still hold the record, I might be tied with Shayna Bayzler for most eliminations ever in a single Elimination Chamber. I almost won the sucker that one year, but Roman Reigns caught me with that lucky spear that he’s been able to land on me a few times in the past.”

On Elimination Chamber being in Montreal: “It’s a huge opportunity. The Canadian fans are so unbelievably passionate about what we do in WWE. No matter what show, the buildings are packed, everybody’s in there rocking and rolling and having a good time. It’s an opportunity to step into an arena and show the world what you’ve got at the highest level, winning an opportunity and moving forward with whatever you want to do in the company. Hopefully, the powers that be draw my number to step into that ring and do what I do best and that’s putting these hands on them poor souls.”

Getting a match with Roman Reigns: “I’m the monster of all monsters for a reason and anytime I have an opportunity in any match, I feel sorry for the competition because it’s not fair. Look at me and look at a lot of the guys that I get to step in the ring with. I wouldn’t want to have to fight me. Any opportunity I have to go out there and get that chance at winning, getting that opportunity at the title … I mean, let’s be real, it’s about time somebody takes those things off Roman Reigns’ hands. The monster just might have to be the guy to do it.”

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