During a recent appearance on “Talk is Jericho” to promote the Tales from the Territories series, co-creators Evan Husney and Jason Eisner commented on what fans can expect from the series, the importance of the Bret Hart in Stampede Wrestling episode, and more.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
Eisner on the importance of Hart in the Stampede episode: “Bret is the star of the episode. We leaned on him to ask him who he thought would be great at the table and he really helped us figure that out.”
Eisner on the relationship hurdles from previous Dark Side Of The Ring work: “Yeah, there was some heat over the Montreal Screwjob episode but we are all cool now.”
Husney on getting a chance to collaborate with Hart: “It was so great to be able to work with him. We’ve always wanted to work with him again.”
Husney on if the pair had reached out to Hart directly: “It worked out. Obviously having Brian (Gewirtz) and Dwayne in your corner too, we can make that work.”
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