During a recent edition of The Sessions with Renee Paquette podcast, Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins in WWE) discussed a variety of topics, including what he learned from his mentor Edge, not being allowed to change in the WWE locker room and more.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
Brian Myers on what he learned from Edge: “The slowing down aspect of wrestling. That’s very hard for people. I see it with my students. You’re just so new and excited, and the idea of doing nothing is scary. You feel like you need to constantly be doing something and that’s not the case at all. It’s better to let things breathe and play out. It’s hard to control your emotions and your excitement to do things like that.”
Myers on how things have changed since he first started: “It might have changed too much. Too much entitlement. What I had? Maybe a little too deep. What it is now? Too deep the other way. We need something in the middle because the entitlement that people in the business have nowadays is wild to me.”
Myers on having to ask Chris Benoit to use the locker room: “When we first got called up, we weren’t even allowed in the locker room. Matt and I are main roster talent but we changed with the extras in every building for at least the first three months and THEN we had to go up to Chris Benoit as the locker room leader and be like, ‘sir, we’ve been on the main roster a couple months now. We’re wondering if it’s okay if we changed with the boys?’”
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