During Impact Wrestling’s Emergence Night One, Brian Myers (formerly WWE’s Curt Hawkins) hijacked a planned interview with Willie Mack and proceeded to have his own interview, along with Jimmy Jacobs. The interview was a direct parody of Triple H’s infamous interview with Jim Ross in 1999, where Hunter proclaimed himself to be “The Game”.
A lot of different opinions on what I said last night on @IMPACTWRESTLING. Good, bad, or indifferent bring it on. I meant what I said. This is an opportunity I’ve never been giving before and I’m gonna seize it. Now sit back & watch me do it. pic.twitter.com/sfVsTpmc6J
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) August 19, 2020
"It disgusts me that major decisions in this business are made by some out of touch 70 year old man." @Myers_Wrestling hijacked @Willie_Mack's interview to get his message across. #Emergence #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/Pk8eZOeTgY