Former NXT Superstar Bull Dempsey aka Bull James recently helped a young fan with special needs live her dream of attending WrestleMania.
While speaking to Sportskeeda, both spoke about how much this meant to him:
“She’s awesome. She’s a sweetheart. She’s just innocent, loves wrestling, and just awesome. It was cool to see her goal achieved. It’s why we do this, or at least it should be. We want to have fun, travel the world on someone else’s dime, make millions of dollars.
One of the things I did in NXT was we did a plane pull with Jet Blue for Special Olympics. It was a bunch of NXT guys, myself included, Coaches, and a lot of the Special Olympic athletes. We pulled a plane to raise money for the Special Olympics, so I pulled a Jet Plane which is pretty cool.
You are working with the Special Olympic kids it kind of open your eyes up a lot to the power you have while in WWE of what you can accomplish giving back to the community. As I said, you travel the world on someone else’s dime, some of us are fortunate enough to make good money, and I’m very grateful for what I have, but I also know what I sacrificed to get there. I’m in a position now where I can do little things like that to give back.
To her, it’s her dream to go to WrestleMania, and it’s just super cool, dude. It’s exactly what this business needs more and more of.
They’ll always be negative headlines and press about wrestling, but we kind of need to outweigh the good with the bad. That starts with all of us doing our part to do that.”
James also spoke about his time in NXT and the training that he received there:
“It was hard, man. A lot of people have different views on it. It was 100%. The show Breaking Ground as good as it was, I don’t think it did justice to how much we were doing.
We were in the ring Monday thru Friday; we were in the gym Monday thru Friday. On Thursday’s, Friday’s, and Saturday’s we had live events. Thursday, we had to be in at 8:30, be in the ring or gym at nine, nine to 12 do our thing, shower, change, go to the town, set up the ring, the lights, the whole show, wrestle, break it down, drive one-three hours, sleep. Friday we had to be in at nine, same schedule as Thursday. By no way am I complaining it made everything feel good the more you achieved because you’ve earned it. There was that sense of pride that we all earned something.
Their people that will have a feeling one way or another about how tough it was, or how hard it was, but this business is hard. What we do is unlike most things that people do for a living.
I think it was hard because the people in charge wanted us to know, hey this isn’t a kids game. WWE is a multi-million dollar company. It’s a hard life so if you can’t handle it at this level (NXT), what’s going to happen when we give you money, a push, and put some reliance in you. Some guys are going to fold under pressure, so they need to know what they have.”
To read the full interview, click here.