Impact Wrestling star Chris Bey spoke with Sportskeeda in regards to his PWI ranking, saying that he felt very disrespected. You can listen to the full interview below:
On being ranked 202 in the PWI #500 Rankings: “I mean, If we’re being honest I was disrespected by my spot on the list. Because I definitely felt like I’ve earned a better spot than that. And you can call it arrogance, you can call it whatever you want. I call it just being confident and knowing exactly what I put into my work and what I put into the business, and how much I sacrificed and my level of performance. I promise you that if you haven’t seen it already, that I’m one of the best wrestlers in the world, one of the best entertainers in the world. And I think that no matter whether it was a 200 spot jump or not, they missed the mark on a lot of important details.”
On his issue with the piece: “If you like at the article that they wrote on me, I think it was very inaccurate. And I think it didn’t say anything about who I am. They chose to talk about a job I had when I was 17 years old for a summer job during my high school years rather than talk about what I accomplished in the last year, which — for someone aged 23 transitioning over to 24 being three years in the business and doing what I did last year was a lot. And for them to skip over all that, it was disrespectful, it was slap in the face. But you know, who cares? Some people care about that stuff, I care about more important things like what I’m actually doing in life, and not what people are trying to write about what I’m doing.”