Prior to his match last night at the NJPW G1 Special, the current ROH World Champion Cody Rhodes, spoke at a press conference & went over NJPW possibly expanding into the United States.
Here are the highlights:
Importance Of The US Specials:
“We don’t want this just be another kind of mark in history, where it’s like, ‘remember when they came and did that one show in the US and it was really great’ and just something that’s talked about as something they did. I don’t think that’s their plan, I don’t think this is an experiment. I think if it was they’ve already been proven right with the fact that the show sold out in three minutes.”
Hoping For An Expansion:
“I hope this is the beginning of seeing a lot more shows in the United States. You know, they’ll have a championship now that’s represented as far as it’s considered the United States Championship. So that means you got to play to the United States whether that champion’s from the United States or not, doesn’t matter.”
Is There Anyone Who Was In WWE That He’s Worked With Who Surprised Him:
“Yeah, I mean, so many people and I don’t want to single anyone out because I feel like I always single out the same guy and maybe because he’s the one who impressed me the most. But Pentagon, Penta, for sure. I’ve had a couple of interactions with him and to me, I would pay money to see that guy, I would buy that mask. He’s one for sure that should have been on that list and there’s a lot of guys. There’s a lot of guys; if Jerry Lawler, which I see him still out there wrestling now and again, I’d love to stand across the ring from Jerry Lawler.”
What NJPW Should Do In Terms Of Expanding The Brand:
“I think they need to take a long hard look at ‘A markets’ here in the United States. You know they’re near the Los Angeles area here with Long Beach, as a wrestling hotbed. I think they obviously need to look at New York, at Chicago, at Miami, you know, they need to look at all the ‘A markets’ and determine where they’d like to go next.”