Madusa, who formerly appeared as Alundra Blayze for WWE, posted a photo on Facebook of a royalty check she recently received from her former employer. Her image post, which has since been deleted, suggested she received $305,563.46 for appearing on video releases sold between October 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. You can click here to view a photo of the check before it was deleted. She clarified the matter Tuesday night on Twitter by revealing that she actually received a small amount of compensation.
“Just to clear up the the royalty posting From WWE to me…. 1) i am not a liar it did come to me… Lol 2). It is the correct amount and did I post THAT was my total take? NO! Like any other entertainment company I got very little. However I am still making nice royalty checks, thank u WWE,” she wrote.
It is likely that the displayed monetary figures is WWE’s total revenue from the video titles during the three month period.