Martha Hart, the widow of the late “King of Harts” Owen Hart spoke with Forbes magazine, as she explained to them why she doesn’t want Owen Hart entering the WWE Hall of Fame. This interview was done as she promoted Owen’s documentary on “Dark Side of the Ring”, set to air tonight at 10pm(EST) on VICE.
“Proper riggers have a few things they would never do. First, they would never do a stunt without redundancy. That didn’t happen; there was no redundancy. Second, they never, ever, let the talent have any control into the stunt. These guys were telling Owen, ‘This cord taped here, don’t pull it until you get to the ground.’ That would never happen; proper riggers don’t rig things this way. The other thing is, WWE is a billion-dollar company. Owen never questioned his safety. He thought for sure they were hiring people that knew what they were doing. He was putting his life in their hands, and they didn’t care. They didn’t have any regard for Owen’s life whatsoever. They went outside of qualified riggers that had good experience.”