During a recent appearance on the ‘That 90s Wrestling podcast‘, former WWE superstar Maven revealed that he met with Triple H before the pandemic began. Speaking on the show, Maven had this to say:
“Before the world was shut down before the pandemic, I actually travelled to Orlando and met with Hunter [Triple H] and with Albert [Matt Bloom] who is running the developmental down there now. And I was talking to them about maybe doing some announcing stuff. And I did that, and I went there, on March 11th of 2020. And if you remember, in America that’s the day America shutdown [due to the pandemic]. So, you know I never want to turn my back or say no or it’ll never happen. Because I don’t know. I still and will always have wrestling in my blood. I still have wrestling dreams every week. I still have a dream where I’m either putting my boots on or I’m in the ring or I’m getting ready to wrestle somebody, and my love for the business is never gonna leave” He would go on to comment, “I would definitely entertain any opportunity to be back in wrestling in any capacity.”
Would you like to see Maven back in WWE in some capacity? Let us know in the comments, or over on our Twitter and Facebook pages. And, you can keep up with all your wrestling news here on eWrestlingNews.
You can check out Maven’s full appearance on the podcast, below: