AEW star Michael Nakazawa took to Twitter earlier today to reveal that he’s been doing Japanese subtitles for AEW events on NJPW World. He said,
“Although I almost turned down this offer from #njpwworld since I wasn’t confident, I’ve been working on Japanese subtitles for #AEW shows which are webcast to Japanese fans via NJPW world. I am green at this job, but I will try my best so that more Japanese fans will enjoy AEW. Even so, translation is quite difficult. Of course, English itself is the same, but there are also phrases that do not convey the true meaning even when translated. For example, MJF will give you “Purple Heart” to Sean Dean, a former soldier! I was saying something like that, but even if I translate it literally, it’s a purple heart, what’s this?”
Although I almost turned down this offer from #njpwworld since I wasn't confident, I've been working on Japanese subtitles for #AEW shows which are webcast to Japanese fans via NJPW world. I am green at this job, but I will try my best so that more Japanese fans will enjoy AEW.
— Michael Nakazawa (@MichaelNakazawa) May 2, 2022
それにしても翻訳ってなかなか難しい。英語そのものももちろんそうなのですが、着訳しても真意が伝わらない言い回しとかもありますし。例えばこの前の元軍人のショーンディーンに対してMJFがお前には"Purple Heart"が与えられる!みたいなことを言ってたんですが直訳しても紫の心臓、なんのこっちゃ?
— Michael Nakazawa (@MichaelNakazawa) May 2, 2022