New Japan President & CEO Takami Ohbari spoke with Sports Illustrated’s Justin Barrasso following the announcement of a joint show between AEW and NJPW that will be taking place at the United Center in Chicago, IL on Sunday, June 26th.
You can check out some highlights from the interview below:
On NJPW working with AEW for a joint pay-per-view show: “The theme of our 50th anniversary year has been not just to celebrate alongside our fans, but to give something back to everyone who has supported us over the decades. Especially as we bounce back from the effects of the global pandemic, I feel we really have to go the extra mile. It’s on us to make those dream matches and situations come true, to bring the power of professional wrestling to the people, and emerge into a bright new era. At this point in time, with AEW and their tremendous talent getting increasing notice around the world, including among Japanese fans, they make the ideal partner for us to do just that and to unite fans worldwide.”
On AEW’s growth: “AEW has undergone tremendous growth in a very short timeframe. From a fan’s perspective that has a lot to do with meeting the ‘unmet needs’ of the consumer. Creative matchmaking and exciting wrestling have been able to satisfy fans who had been left disillusioned by the American wrestling landscape. From a business standpoint, for a new entrant into the field to be able to leverage a fresh identity and sculpt such an effective media strategy, it is very impressive.”
On if there’s any chance for STARDOM talent to appear on the show: “This is an AEW-NJPW event, but the key phrase here is, ‘Never say never.’ Really nothing is off the table, and who knows what the future may hold for AEW and Stardom.”