Tuesday, September 10, 2024
News​Noelle Foley Discusses Her Crush On Randy Orton, Dating 'Frank The Clown',...

​Noelle Foley Discusses Her Crush On Randy Orton, Dating ‘Frank The Clown’, & More



Noelle Foley recently appeared on Sam Roberts’ Wrestling Podcast and discussed her crush on Randy Orton, dating “Frank The Clown” and more. Here are some highlights:

On her relationship with WWE superfan Frank the Clown: “I just saw him from far away and was pretty much checking him out. Like, I was the creeper in this situation. I don’t know. I just stopped and stared at him. Like, ‘wow, he’s different and weird – I like that!’ I guess his weirdness attracted me. And so, like, two or three weeks later, I saw him, like, in the front row at RAW, and I tweeted him.”

On her parents’ reaction to her dating life: “[Mick Foley] wants me to have a relationship with someone that’s not Frank. My dad and my mom have always wanted me to be gay. Always. From the beginning.”

On not being impressed with other men: “Well, here’s the thing: I haven’t found any other guy I even liked. Like, I don’t really like guys all that much because I feel like it’s the same thing, like, ‘oh, look at me’. I feel like if I wasn’t dating Frank, I wouldn’t be dating anyone. Like, no one catches my eye. Like, oh sure, you can be attractive and muscular. That’s great for you, but if you don’t have a personality, why would I like you?”

On her crush on Randy Orton: “We were backstage, probably five years ago and Randy Orton drops his shirt. And I’m like, ‘dad, Randy [has] just dropped his shirt’ and he calls back. He’s like, ‘Randy, you dropped your shirt’ and Randy’s like, ‘oh, you can have it’, like pointing to me. First thing I do is smell the shirt because that’s me. And it was fruity! Randy Orton smells fruity.”

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