Ridge Holland and Travis Banks attended Sunday’s WWE NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool II pay-per-view event. For those unaware, Ridge Holland is Luke Menzies. He’s a former rubgy player and has been with WWE since May of 2018:
Looks who's here. @RidgeWWE #NXTUKTakeOver pic.twitter.com/hg80TByROY
— NXT UK (@NXTUK) January 12, 2020
Triple H tweeted the following, praising WALTER and Joe Coffey after their WWE NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II performances:
NOTHING but #Respect for both of these men. Headlining an incredible #NXTUKTakeOver and making every chop, (and I mean EVERY chop) count. https://t.co/XdiebICtJc
— Triple H (@TripleH) January 12, 2020