Sexy Star published a statement on Twitter about injuring Rosemary at AAA TripleMania last week, which you can see below:
"La verdad espera, solo la mentira tiene prisa"
Solo para ustedes con toda mi honestidad y con todo el amor…
— Sexy DULCE (@Sexydulceg) September 4, 2017
Down below is a transcription of the post via PWInsider:
“First of all I want to thank the people who have been with me these days that have become a nightmare and one of the most difficult moments of my career and my personal life.
As some of you know, last Saturday, August 26th, I attended the TRIPLEMANIA XVV event, at the Mexico City Arena, to fulfill a championship fight, from the company AAA, which I contracted as an independent, to reuse the Sexy Star Mask, a character I’ve worked with for 11 years.
At first I was informed that this championship would be REINA de REINAS in a one on one with one of the Mexican women who belongs to the company, but a few days to go before the event, I was informed that they would include two more fighters , among them a North American woman belonging to the company Global Force Wrestling, that AAA company contract as an external, that to my knowledge, never fought in Mexico or at least never for the Mexican company and which I met minutes before going up to fulfill the fight, for which I am contracted.
As I have done for more than ten years, when I came to the place, I would approach those who would participate in the fight, to coordinate the show that we presented to the public, being responsible for the event (Lucha AAA) who indicated with precision, what would happen in combat.
As it is my custom and especially when I am going to fight with someone with whom I have not worked and more being foreigners – the styles of fight change a lot between country and country – especially I went with the American, I asked her if she felt good with what or if she wanted to change something, to feel more confident in the ring, those who have worked with me, know that I always do so, with the idea of ??protecting from any incident those who work with me and myself, not only for ethics and for values ??that in my house have taught me, in which they include the companionship, but because I have always had the awareness of the danger that we run all those who work in the fight, be it our first fight or the number one hundred. I want to clarify that she never asked me to verify or mark what we would present, something that is always important for me, so I assumed that she knew and would have control of everything that we would do. Being the talent coordinator of AAA who gave the “OK” to go up without performing the fight without a previous approach.
I come to the moment of the fight, I went up to the pancracio(?) to realize the spectacle that I have usually presented to the combative public, for many years, in the same way, with the same energy and delivery, with the same style and fury that has characterized ” Sexy Star “in absolutely all her bouts.
The fight comes to its end, when I submitted the American woman, with the punishment that was indicated to me, that was selected for being, in the range of dangerousness one of the lowest level, and that I have repeatedly applied and have applied me – a punishment that as I repeat, in the range of danger is one of the least has been so ever.
At the end of the show and after the foreign woman went down by her own foot, and without the need for any medical assistance, she followed the usual protocol, I handed the belt to Martha Villabolos, whom I deeply admire and who even taught me a lot in my first approaches to this sport, which I love with all my heart and that has cost me injuries, sacrifices and that has forced me to be constant in my preparation to strengthen my body and withstand falls, postures – few know the secrets of the fight and if in this letter I reveal some, it is for security to my integrity, out of respect for the career that has given me so much in the professional and personal, I do not think to punctuate more, just say that those who have preserved their career with ups and downs, with falls and rises, with injuries and bleeding, understand what I mean.
After twenty minutes and finished the protocol of the delivery of the belt, go down to locker rooms where I was approached by people in charge of Global Force Wrestling and who has a working relationship with the AAA company, who claimed in the language of their country, an alleged injury to the fighter I submitted, something that surprised me, since as I reiterate, she went down without anyone from the ring.
Immediately and not just for ethics, but because I was worried, I went to see that she was well, and I found her talking to another companion, standing in the production monitoring room, only with an ice pack in her elbow, no There was no paramedic or person attending. She was not even on a stretcher – a safety protocol that is taken when there is a suspicion of injury – but she was not even seated, that gave me peace of mind because, from my own eyes, I saw that it was not bad, she had not hurt herself. Then the AAA talent coordinator told me that everything was fine, so I would leave the place with my husband, with the peace and security that everything was fine and without any indication of Mr. Dorian Roldan, owner of the company AAA, who I want to assume, had there been any problem, would not have allowed me to go without clarifying some kind of situation.
You also have to know that I never received a medical report and there is no x-ray that shows, some type of injury in which was my companion of fight.
I do not worry about the situation, because I repeat with my own eyes, I saw that she had not been injured, I did not suppose, I noticed that she was not taken care of by paramedics, nor was she moved, much less used medical equipment or stretcher, as when someone is injured. In my fight career I have seen injuries and I myself have been victims of accidents and believe me, there was nothing that is, that night in TRIPLEMANIA XXV, after the fight for the championship REINA de REINAS.
The following day I began to receive in social networks a series of cybernet attacks, that included a letter with aggressions, written by the American woman, where she affirmed only in text, without showing some photograph or medical report and already in her country of residence, inclusion without giving the face or voice, that I had intentionally injured her.
This letter was widely disseminated by American men and women wrestlers, with whom I have never worked and much less were in the place and who added texts affirming my supposed anti-professionalism, supporting their words with the letter of the American, which had already reached more than 4 thousand retweets.
The harassment in social networks was growing and came also from bloggers and media, who were not in the place, who did not cover the event, media that do not even work in Mexico, media that had no hesitation in heading their note with words like “She dislocated the shoulder purposely” others “intentionally breaks her arm” affirmed the alleged injury, having only as a reference the letter raised to Twitter by the American and the video of the end of the fight from several angles, where in no time is observed the injured woman, and on the contrary she is seen to lower of the ring by her own foot and using her hands. Some even ensured that the punishment is done badly and intentionally, raising the hip something that is not in the video. Many media and columnists of the network, even did not agree and mentioned that the injury that the fighter suffered was in shoulder, others in elbow and others in complete arm.
I clarify that in the video that circulates on the internet, I only see myself impersonating Sexy Star doing the punishment, with the same energy and fury that characterizes the character, in the same way and with the same force in the surrender, without loosing until second after checking the referee, as always has done Sexy Star. I can prove that this punishment I have done on other occasions exactly equal in time and strength to other companions, even recently in one of the matches of Sexy Star in the American series in which I am currently participating, I assure you that the companion who received this punishment on that occasion, which in the range of danger is one of the least risky, at least in the Mexican wrestling, and that I have never been wrong used to absolutely injure anyone.
The past August 30th I have been 11 years in wrestling, a sport to which I have given my life and my body, without being figurative, body that has damages, because in this sport, if you make a career like I have had the blessing to do, you do not save, … to the fight I have always had respect, respect that I begin to exercise since I take the body of my partner or companion to whom I have always cared without exception and will do, regardless of nationality or who know or not, a lot of this sport, that respect I inherited not only from my parents, I inherited it from my teachers and professors, people with dynasties in Mexican wrestling, where this sport was born, and I am sure that my teachers can speak and support, that I have never neglected any companion.
Out of respect and love to my teachers and my followers, who have given me their love and to whom I owe my career and who, know me perfectly, I dedicate these letter, which are the only ones that deserve to have the testimony of what really happened , but above all I dedicate it to Sexy Star, a character that was loaned to me and many people, with honor, honesty, respect, integrity and passion, I have defended and carried for 11 years, the same values that belong to Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas and I will not let anyone, with versions not supported by evidence, discredit.”