Ross and Marshall Von Erich recently appeared on The Wrestling Inc. Daily. During it, they talked about the reported possible partnership between MLW and WWE.
Earlier this month, Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that WWE officials are in talks with MLW officials.
WWE does not like the reputation it has of not working with anyone in the modern pro wrestling world so they want to make a deal that would see MLW be what EVOLVE and ECW were for WWE in the past.
The idea is to give some of the NXT talent, who aren’t working, to have some work on TV. There is also the idea of WWE creating their own EVOLVE-like group as a weekly streaming show. This would also help out alleviating the frustration of so many talents who aren’t being used.
“I saw that. I did see that, and I haven’t got a chance to talk to anybody about it,” Marshall admitted. “I’m really curious about that and seeing how that even came about.”
“I think Court’s gonna look at it, and he’ll see if it’s in our best interest,” Ross said. “He may talk to them, but Court’s not going to be awestruck by the name or anything.”
“MLW’s his first priority,” Marshall noted. “We’ll see what happens. I mean, we want to work with everybody. So if the Court wants us to beat up on some NXT guys or WWE guys, it doesn’t matter, bring them in. It’d be sick, but let’s see what Court does. Let’s see what the boss man says.”
H/T to Wrestling Inc