The newest episode of “Being the Elite” has The Young Bucks attempting to recruit Negative One to their group. Here is a complete recap, along with the video of the episode, below:
* We start off with the Elite preparing for a promo segment, with Matt Jackson saying they’re going to stand in front of a chain link fence because it’s badass and shows how tough they are. They talk about how many street fights they’ve been in in their lives, and Kenny Omega says it looks like they had a terrible upbringing. Omega suggests that they say they stole their shows because people don’t like how they’re overpaying for them, and then start the promo.
* Adam Cole is in the locker room where he is pumping himself up with John Silver and Alex Reynolds come in and start talking to him. Cole admonishes them again for calling him “Budge” and Silver says he needs to hit his stride. Cole says they’ve never been on a stride like he’s on. Reynolds says they’re just trying to be friends and Cole decides to humor them, asking what the suggestion is this week. Silver says they need to talk about his “s***ty gear.” Reynolds says the black and white isn’t cool, and Cole disagrees. Reynolds says they need something that pops and snapos, and Silver suggests leather with straps everywhere. He says it will make people say “Ooh, I want that guy to DOMINATE me!” Cole says he wants to throw up in his mouth and it’s the worst idea ever. Reynolds suggests he “show a little tit” and the Cole suggests that they get edible shirts with s**t on them, and they can eat s**t. He storms off and Silver says he’s already eaten s**t.
* The Bucks are backstage and are talking about recruiting people into the Elite, and it’s shown that they’re talking to -1. Matt and Nick note that they’ve given him new gear and Nick tells him to “leave those losers in the Dark Order and join us.” -1 says that he’s gonna say no, and the Bucks are the real losers. Matt tells Nick to superkick -1 and he tries, but -1 catches his foot and throws it right into Matt’s face before giving Nick a low blow. He then jumps on a table and takes then down with a crossbody before going under the table. They go to check and he’s not there anymore.
* Ryan Nemeth talks about how Brandon Cutler uploaded his video from last week even though he asked him not to, and says it embarrassed him. Cutler’s edit of the video has words appear on the screen, saying, “Oh don’t be a baby.” Nemeth says it’s unprofessional and Cutler can’t hack it in the real world, and that’s why he’s editing videos for his friends. Cutler writes, “Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be?” Nemeth goes off on a rant about how successful he is, while Cutler provides commentary with the on-screen text. Nemeth says that he’s going get revenge by finding dirt on Cutler and spread it far and wide.
* It’s time for the first BTE Tournament battle. Dante Martin and Fuego del Sol play garbage basketball, and they have to get it through a narrow hole in a garbage bin. Martin wins and moves on.
(h/t – 411 Wrestling)