Thursday, February 13, 2025
NewsTNAJeff Hardy Says He Almost Stayed With AEW, Explains TNA Return

Jeff Hardy Says He Almost Stayed With AEW, Explains TNA Return



During a recent appearance on the “Insight” podcast, Jeff Hardy discussed his reasons for returning to TNA Wrestling, almost choosing to stay with AEW, the personal struggles and challenges he’s faced being integrated into storylines, and other topics.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his TNA return: “Even when I returned, it was so weird how everything worked out. I had no idea Matt was going to go to TNA. I finished a workout one morning, went upstairs and my wife said, ‘Did you know Matt was going back to TNA?’ I said, ‘No, I had no idea.’ Then I watched the footage, oh my God, that was amazing. And naturally, I asked him how it felt. It’s just so strange and bizarre how everything just worked out. My nose was broken when I was in AEW, so my contract was a little extended, but it ran out the night before I was able to show up and save Matt once again in the world of professional wrestling, back in TNA.”

On nearly staying in AEW: “That’s why I’m so grateful for TNA and I think everything did work out exactly how it was supposed to with me being able to go back. There was even one moment when I found out Matt went back to TNA, I watched the footage and I was like Oh God, maybe I need to stay with AEW to continue to prove myself and really have some of these killer matches, some of these guys are on a different level with these matches they’re having. But then I was like wait, what? I had such a good run in TNA last time and the merchandise they came out with was so cool. Started doing the eyelid paint and everything was so good the last time at TNA. There were so many innovative bumps I did throughout that run and I said no, this is exactly the way it’s supposed to be. So naturally, I called Matt and agreed to show up. But yeah, this time I’m glad I didn’t try to run and do the Juke at the same time. I still don’t understand why would I try to Juke and run to save my brother my first time in AEW it was so bizarre. I’ve even practiced it since to see if it’s possible and I don’t think it’s [possible], it’s not smoothly possible at all.”

On the most fear he’s ever had during a wrestling match: “Definitely my first huge Swanton Bomb in my first run in TNA. It was the one against Abyss and Rhino over the stage and there was one little area. I don’t think I told him that I was going to go up to it, but I just noticed that area about three foot taller that I might get up to just make it more impressive. I jumped over James Mitchell and I cleared it. It was so, so scary because when I got to that peak, I looked back down at the monitor area where people were watching the show and I was like Oh my God, this might be it Jeff, this might be the end of your career. Let’s go. I did it and then I think I even made it back to the ring to take a piledriver off the second rope from Rhino. But that was, I think, the most scared I’ve ever been.”

On storylines using his real-life personal issues: “It’s weird too because my personal life kind of became my professional life back in 08 and 09. A lot of people [thought] that’s messed up, they’re going there. But I mean, in a way, I think it helped me. But also looking back at it now, I go Oh my God, was that the right thing to do? Because that is my personal life and now here we are in my professional [life]. It’s super interesting. The storyline and the feud with CM Punk was just so amazing, and that kind of helped make it that way because we were complete opposites. But yes, there’s really no difference in Jeff Hardy. That’s why I’m excited too. There’s this alter ego of mine, alter Nero of mine named Willow and he appeared in TNA, my last run in TNA. There’s a new mask with a brand-new face plate. I haven’t tried it on yet, but when I go pick it up, and if it fits real good I’m sure I’m going to get excited about possibilities with a way darker side of Jeff Hardy, or way more just spiritual, innovative character that Willow has never actually been in the past. The original idea with Willow is that nothing makes sense because he’s not human. He’s just some alien, and he’s the God of my imagination. That’s kind of where it all started. But for him to be my dark passenger and kind of guide Jeff Hardy into this different zone in pro wrestling, I think there might be something pretty powerful within that idea.”

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