During a recent interview with Metro, Trent Seven revealed that he wants to be the “Paul Heyman of WWE NXT UK” once he’s done in the ring. You can check out some highlights from the interview below:
“It’s always good to have things to fall back on, or things that give your persona or character different assets to utilize. Say in eight or nine years where I’m like, ‘These knees are gone, I’m gonna give it up,’ do I see myself as the UK’s Paul Heyman? Maybe! Does there need to be a British representative that has that managerial feel, that boss-like feel? That’s something I take very seriously as a further part of my career. You’ve just gotta push yourself and get out of your comfort zone.”
Obviously I’m a little bit older than pretty much all of the roster – not that I’m in the twilight of my career, I feel fantastic to be brutally honest! I’m not saying that I can go forever, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got another six or seven years left in me.”