Friday, January 17, 2025
NewsUpdate: 2 Top ROH Talents To WWE?, Details

Update: 2 Top ROH Talents To WWE?, Details



Partial Source: Pwinsider

Despite online rumors, Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards reportedly have not signed with the WWE. It’s said that they have not even been offered deals as of this writing. That could change very quickly though.

Any talent WWE signs have to go through a group of medical-related testing before anything is signed and seals. Deals can also be rescinded after being signed if something comes up in a wrestler’s past that the company does not like be it behavior, medical exams, etc.

Richards and Edwards could potentially still be offered deals, but nothing has been offered as of yet. Neither worker is signed to Ring of Honor. Richards is likely trying to get reaction out of the crowds he’s performing in front of by hinting that he’s going somewhere else.

As noted yesterday here on the website, Preston City Wrestling out of the United Kingdom has released a video of Davey Richard’s cutting a promo recently where he suggests that he is heading to WWE with tag-team partner Eddie Edwards. While Richard’s did not say WWE by name, noting that he can’t talk about his future “for legal reasons,” he did strongly allude to it. You can watch the promo below:

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