Former WWE Superstar Sean “Val Venis” Morley has deleted his Twitter account after posting a bunch of radical messages and wild conspiracy theories over the past several months. He’s a huge fan of Donald Trump and has continued to post a number of QAnon theories. There were times where he’d post over 100+ tweets per day, some of them incoherent and at all times during the day/night. We monitored some of his tweets and there were multiple periods where he’d be up for 48+ hours straight posting non-stop. There were even some current and former wrestling Superstars who were pleading with him to get the help he seems to need.
Morley’s Twitter account currently says, “This account doesn’t exist.”
Morley also recently joined Parler and shared his conspiracy theories over there, but that website was taken down and removed from both the Apple and Google Play stores. Amazon also kicked the far right-wing site off their servers.
Several weeks ago, Morley was temporarily blocked by Twitter after he posted pornographic images that violated Twitter’s “Child Sexual Exploitation Policy.” The photos showed what appeared to be Hunter Biden (President Joe Biden’s son) and an underage woman together but the pics have never been proven to be real.
Facebook also blocked his account for 30 days after he posted the same photos and continued on with his conspiracy theories.