During a recent appearance on The Undertaker’s “Six Feet Under” podcast, D-Von Dudley discussed the importance of the WrestleMania 2000 Ladder Match between The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz, and Edge & Christian.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On wanting The Dudleys to evolve past what they were doing: “The Dudleys were basically the Dudleys from the beginning of the ECW [when they first joined WWE] where Bubba was stuttering and dancing and things like that. Now we didn’t want to do that. We had already evolved from that. So we were basically trying to come into the Dudleys that you saw later on and he is in WWE. Vince was a big fan of the stuttering and the dancing. You know, it’s entertaining and that’s what Vince likes. So that’s what we were doing.”
On the importance of the WrestleMania 2000 ladder match: “It was the original first TLC match, but it was called a ladder match. But we were able to do that and then once we did that — I just remember the stakes were high because you know, we were in WrestleMania, with Taker, with Rock, with Big Show. All these big names, Austin, all these big names. And now, if we s**t the bed on this, we’ll never be invited again.”