On a recent edition of the “Rewind, Recap, Relive” podcast, former WWE star Hornswoggle recalled Fit Finlay’s work with the women’s division. He said,
“I don’t think there would be a women’s division to this day. It would’ve still been bra and panties, and then obviously with the change of times that would’ve went out with the times. I don’t think there would be the representation women have today without Finlay.”
Hornswoggle recalled Finlay showing up hours early to every house show to help the women train and work, as well as Fit’s humble nature. He said,
“He doesn’t want credit. He literally doesn’t want credit, he said it in a couple of interviews that he’s done where he goes, ‘That’s not me, that’s them. That’s their talent.’ Sure, but you have to have someone to mold them. Clay doesn’t become a bowl without someone molding it.”
Finlay helped train the women of WWE during the Ruthless Aggression era when how a woman looked was often the most important part of her work.
Despite this, and WWE’s edict that women could only rarely throw punches, Finlay was able to craft memorable moments and matches with the roster.
In 2015, WWE made a concerted effort to treat its female roster more seriously, ushering in a ‘Women’s Revolution’ on the main roster.