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​Former MMA Fighter Matt Riddle Says WWE Helped Him Land A Job With EVOLVE, & More

In an interview with The Roman Show, Matt Riddle spoke about transitioning from MMA to wrestling and revealed that WWE got him his job in EVOLVE. He will make his Florida debut with Superstar Live Wrestling in West Palm Beach tonight at 6 PM. Here are highlights:

On signing with EVOLVE: “I did a tryout with the WWE. The tryout went extremely well went as well as it could. The WWE was nice enough to set me up with Evolve and wrestle with them. It’s a process. From what I see it’s on the right track. It’s not like the transition I had with the UFC.”

On making the transition to wrestling: “When people see me wrestle I am not too bad. I know what I am doing and I’ve been wrestling pro wrestling my entire life. I’ve had about 40 matches in front of a ring and a crowd but I probably had a couple of thousand in the backyard, you know what I mean. I’ve been doing it for a while just not at this level.”

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Published by
Ryan Clark

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