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Top Five WWE Dream Matches That Will Never Happen


Dream matches are what pro wrestling is made of. We’ve been lucky enough to see a few dream matches lately such as Samoa Joe vs Brock Lesnar, and AJ Styles vs John Cena, however, some of WWE’s top dream matches will unfortunately never happen. As much as this pains me to say, due to age, or booking, many of the dream matches we hope for will never happen. When two superstars work magic in the ring but never face each other, it’s only natural for fans to wish for a mach. Without further delay, here are the top five WWE dream matches… that will never happen.


Honorable Mentions-

The Big Show vs Andre The Giant

Daniel Bryan vs Chris Benoit

Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart

The Road Warriors vs The Dudley Boyz


5. CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

One of my personal favorite fantasy match ups of all time, Steve Austin vs CM Punk is a surefire main event that’s sure to please any fan. CM Punk’s straight edge lifestyle contradicts Stone Cold’s “Beer-drinking” lifestyle perfectly. Punk has proven time and time again that he actually lives by the straight edge lifestyle, and Austin on the other hand, has his own beer brand. As the two superstars live polar opposite lifestyles, Punk has a chance to prove he’s the best in the world, against arguably the best of all time!

Unfortunately, this eye opening match up will never happen. For starters, Steve Austin will never wrestle again. He even said that Wrestlemania 32 may have been his last time in a WWE ring. As the days go by, the truer that statement becomes. Punk on the other hand has vowed to never come back to the WWE… which is a different story for a different time.


4. John Cena vs Hulk Hogan

With two careers and gimmicks that are virtually the same, fans around the globe have longed to see this match for over a decade now. Before “Super-Cena”, “Super-Hogan” was a very, very real thing. Racking up multiple World Championships, and Main Eventing Wrestlemanias was Hogan’s forte… sounds a lot like Cena today. Two patriotic, WWE loving, jacked, good-guys have the potential to work magic in the ring. Who’s really the superman of the two? Would Hogan play face or heel? These are valid questions that every fan wonders, however, will never know the answer too.

Unfortunately, Hogan’s back would literally shatter if he took a single bump ever again. Hogan will never wrestle a WWE match again, let alone one of this caliber. On top of it all, WWE and Hulk Hogan have a very confusing relationship at the moment after Hogan’s semi-recent downwards spiral including (but not limited to) leaked sex tapes and racist rants.


3. The Rock vs Shawn Michaels 

It seems like an easy decision and a safe bet at that to book HBK and The Rock in a match. Somehow, two of the most charismatic and decorated performers of all time have never crossed paths. Although Michaels feuded with The Rock over the sketchy finish to the WWE Title match on the first ever Smackdown, the two never squared off in a match. These two men going one on one could have been one of the most entertaining 20 minutes of anybody’s lifetime, but sadly, this match will never happen.

Shawn has stated firmly, and kept his promise, that he will never wrestle again. And with Rock’s sporadic and ultra-rare appearances, the chance of these two crossing paths is sadly 0%.


2. Sting vs The Undertaker

Oh boy. A massive chunk of the WWE Universe would consider this their number one dream match of all time. I have chills just thinking about Sting and Taker in the ring together. The two darkest forces in wrestling squaring off in a never before seen match with a 20+ year build up would be an incredible climax and ending to both careers. Despite the fact that The Undertaker and Sting have both wrestled on the same card, they never faced each other. This kills me inside. Although the storytelling made sense for us to see a Sting vs Triple H match, having the two guys on the same card yet not facing each other makes zero sense to me whatsoever. To say it was a massive, or maybe the biggest missed opportunity ever, is an understatement in my eyes. Anyway, The Icons of each other’s respective companies going toe-to-toe under the WWE umbrella would be something that no fan would want to miss.

To our dismay, Sting will never wrestle again due to a neck injury and his age. The Undertaker on the other hand… we think he’s retired. But you never know when the deadman will turn up.



1. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan

The two men that many fans would consider the GOATs in WWE never quite crossed paths at the right time. The Rattlesnake vs Hulkamania would be one of the most compelling stories in wrestling history. Fueled mainly by the classic, “Who’s the best ever” story, Stone Cold and The Hulkster could create magic on the mic, masterful storytelling, and in their primes, a five star match.

Regrettably, both superstars are old, and retired. It’s as simple as that, but in my opinion, I wouldn’t wanna see any other dream match more than this one!

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Published by
Ethan Absler

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