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WrestleMania Week 2022 Fallout & Monday Morning Q&A

Welcome back to another Monday Morning Q&A where I toss out some questions to get a feel of how you guys and gals are feeling about certain topics.

So here are 5 questions I’d like to toss out for this week. I’ll give my answers, too, but the key here is that I want to know what YOU think! So make sure you chime in!

1) Counting WWE WrestleMania, NXT Stand & Deliver, Impact’s Multiverse of Matches, AEW, ROH Supercard of Honor and more, which company do you think won the week?

I’m biased in that despite AEW’s product being the most consistently entertaining, I’m always going to put more stock in WWE. It’s just the bigger company and the overall bigger deal for it to be WrestleMania than anything else.

You can say what you want about indie shows, but they travel to where WrestleMania is, not the other way around. Stand and Deliver had some good moments, but it isn’t the same as the black and gold era, so that fell short from Mania by a long shot. I didn’t watch much AEW content this week from being too busy, I didn’t see Impact at all (nor do I bother to watch that regularly anyway) and I only had a chance to see the pre-show of ROH.

There were good things all around, but the buzz is there for WrestleMania more than anything else.

2) What was your biggest highlight and low point for night 1 of WrestleMania?

Highlight = Bianca Belair vs. Becky Lynch is up there, along with the Stone Cold Steve Austin segment working out well, but I’m also just really happy to see that the Cody Rhodes situation wasn’t some swerve and he didn’t lose or anything.

Low Point = Rick Boogs getting injured was awful. I feel so bad for that guy.

3) What was your biggest highlight and low point of night 2 of WrestleMania?

Highlight = Match-wise, my favorite was Knoxville against Zayn, but nothing was more fun than the silly nonsense surrounding Pat McAfee’s segment.

Low Point = Two hours of a kickoff on both nights. Countless video packages and recap footage. And you still only had 2 minutes for The New Day as a backup plan for cutting them on the first night? Horrible.

4) We all know the titles won’t be unified forever. When is your best guess at this moment for when WWE will split the WWE and Universal Championships?

Frankly, I think WWE splits the belts around Money in the Bank. It wouldn’t shock me at all if they’re back to being a champion on both brands by Hell in a Cell, even, but I think SummerSlam is the absolute last we would see of just having one champion.

WWE just cannot sustain a one-champion product with a brand split. USA and FOX would both want to have the champion appear on their shows and Roman Reigns can’t do Monday and Friday every week. The burnout would be insane.

They’ll try it out for a little while and try to milk this for as long as they can, half-assing everything with promos, before they realize they didn’t set up the Intercontinental and United States titles well enough to take the place of a missing world champion on Raw or SmackDown on those weeks Reigns doesn’t appear. Then, they’ll cook up some excuse to split the belts that will protect Roman. It might even be Money in the Bank in and of itself that does it.

5) Are there any surprises you’re expecting for the Raw after WrestleMania you’d like to toss out for predictions?

We know Veer is scheduled, and we can expect Cody Rhodes to cut a promo, most likely, so those aren’t exactly surprises. Some things I’m anticipating that could be shockers, though, would be Tommaso Ciampa joining either the Raw or SmackDown roster, possibly to join Edge’s faction, and for Austin Theory to potentially win the United States Championship, if it doesn’t just go back to Priest.

Let us know your thoughts about these questions by answering them in the comments!

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Published by
Anthony Mango
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