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Adam Copeland Compares Darby Allin To Rey Mysterio & Jeff Hardy

Adam Copeland appeared on a recent edition of the “Talk Is Jericho” podcast to talk about why he left WWE for AEW.

During the podcast, Copeland spoke highly of AEW’s Darby Allin and even compared him to the likes of Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy. He said,

“A guy like Darby. I know he’s already a lynchpin to this place and is one of the foundations, but that guy, he’s special. I told him this and I meant it with the utmost respect because sometimes when you compare to other people…it’s just natural to compare. I was like, ‘You’re Rey Mysterio with Jeff Hardy splashed all over you.’ That’s awesome. He does (have the x-factor). He has that thing. He knows how to sell. How to be aggressive, when to be aggressive, it’s fun to see. Meeting him, seeing his attitude, I really think that guy is special.”

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Andrew Ravens

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