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AEW Double or Nothing Results: Stadium Stampede Match

The following is from our play-by-play coverage of the AEW Double or Nothing 2020 pay-per-view event:

Stadium Stampede Match: The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Adam Page) vs. The Inner Circle (Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Chris Jericho, Santana and Ortiz)

They ran towards each other and started brawling. Adam Page entered the stadium on a horse and chased Guevara into the tunnel of the stadium. The Inner Circle rallied but Guevara missed a shooting star press off the top rope. Hardy with a buckle bomb to Guevara. Nick with a wild outside dive taking out Jericho and Guevara.

Santana hit a springboard moonsault onto the pile. Guevara hit a shooter star press off the top rope onto the ground. Hardy got hit in the back and head with a trash can. The Young Bucks were sent flying into the goal post of the endzone. Matt Jackson found a huge ladder and climbed it to get on the goal post to hit a moonsault onto the Inner Circle. Omega got hit with a cone. They brawled into the stands of the stadium. Page was shown still on his horse looking for Sammy inside of the stadium. Santana and Ortiz started hitting Omega and Hardy with some weapons. Ortiz got suplexed by Omega onto a trash can. Omega had salt thrown into his eyes and Ortiz and Santana suplexed him onto a guardrail before being powerbomb through it. They tossed Matt into the pool. They tried to drown Matt in the pool but Matt transformed into various characters. Matt back dropped Santana onto Ortiz who was on a table. Matt then rang a giant bell with Ortiz underneath then put him in a wheelchair and duck taped him to it while Ortiz was convulsing. Matt put Santana into the ice box.

Page was seen drinking at the bar but Hager found him and sat down before brawling. Page hit Hager with a pool stick before Hager slammed him onto a pool table then powerbombed him through an actual table. Omega smashed a bottle over the head of Hager a few times. After taking out Hager, Page and Omega drink some milk and whiskey. Jericho used a 1st down marker as a weapon. Matt hit a series of suplexes to Sammy.

Jericho used a megaphone to talk trash. Nick hit Jericho a series of times with footballs. Jericho sent Nick into a Jaguars prop then attacked the Jaguars mascot. Nick super kicked Jericho through a kicking net. Jericho hit Nick with a baseball bat for 2 but Jericho pulled out a challenge flag for a replay. He went into the replay net to see the replay. Matt got a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct, which led to Matt superkicking the referee. Matt ran down the stadium steps to dive onto Jericho through a table. Page got the linemarker and walked over Jericho with it. Sammy walked over the sprinkler system to help wake him up. Matt had found a golf cart and chased down Sammy with the referee running alongside it. Sammy went into the stands to evade it. Omega hit the one-winged angel off the seating area through a platform for the win. 

Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and Adam Page)

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Published by
Andrew Ravens

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