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Alexa Bliss Speaks On Her Main Roster Call Up, Ronda Rousey Joining WWE, More

Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss recently spoke with the Las Vegas Review Journal about various topics. Here are the highlights:

Being called up to the main roster:

“When I was brought up to SmackDown, I was one of the underwhelming draft picks,” Bliss said. “I had to make the most out of every opportunity, because a lot of times on WWE, if you don’t deliver, those opportunities don’t come back.”

Ronda Rousey:

“Nobody knew what was going on or that she was there,” Bliss said of Rousey’s Royal Rumble entrance. “She came out, and it was definitely a surprise, but I think it’s exciting that she comes to WWE because it brings a new fan base and a different dimension to WWE.

Her time in NXT:

“I wasn’t given the opportunity that the Four Horsewomen (Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Bayley) or Asuka were given,” Bliss said. “I was kind of just there.”

Her Harley Quinn outfit:

“Harley Quinn is the one the fans gravitated to the most,” Bliss said. “I love portraying characters and being dramatic. My mom would say I’ve been dramatic my whole life.

“It’s just so fun for me to see what I can really get away with with this character, and how far I can go with it when it comes to being mean.”
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Published by
Andrew Ravens

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