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Booker T On The Importance Of ‘Making It’ In The Locker Room

Booker T believes that for as great as a wrestler can be in the ring, it is just as important to ‘make it’ among the roster.

On a recent edition of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T discussed CM Punk’s release from AEW and the lesson he teaches to students of his own Reality of Wrestling promotion. He said,

“Can’t make it in the locker room? you have no chance of making it in the ring, that’s just the way it is.

“That’s pretty much in all sports across the board, can’t make it in the locker room, you’re gonna have a problem with the boys sooner or later.”

Speaking about Tony Khan’s response to the CM Punk situation, Booker T said it’s “hard to be the bad guy

” and Khan could hire someone for situations such as this.

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Published by
Thomas Lowson

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