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Booker T Says Big E Will Have To Be More Careful When He Returns

On the latest episode of his Hall Of Fame podcast, Booker T reflected on Big E’s injury and said that the former WWE Champion will have to be more careful from now on.

Booker explained that something very important is a good reason to perform certain spots: “When we go through stuff like that on Reality Of Wrestling, two guys just say, for instance, they’re going to do that spot. They come to me and say, ‘hey Book, we are going to do this,’ and the first thing I’ll go is, ‘well, why are we doing that?’ And they’re going to give me a reason why they’re doing it. Or they’re not. They’re just going to say, ‘we are just doing it.’ That’s the question you’ve got to always ask yourself in that situation, is this something that we need to do? Are we going to get more out of this if we do this, or if we do that? What’s going to be the payoff? My thing is this, don’t put yourself in a situation where stuff like that can happen if you don’t need to. I always talk about your levels of how you’re going to go out and perform,” he said. “House shows, you’re going to perform a certain way. TV, you’re going to perform a certain way, PPV you’re going to perform a certain way. I just think about those levels as far as going out there working certain ways.”

The suicide Spear is a very risky move that Booker doesn’t like: “Big E, this one more is something that is going to take years off his career, Big E always did that dive through the middle of the ropes. And that was another move where I was like, ‘I hate that move.’ If it’s something done on PPV, I understand throwing caution to the wind. But just doing it just to do it, I don’t believe in that.”

Big E’s powerful neck muscles also helped him avoid more damage: “He’s definitely going to have to go through a lot of pain. A lot of sleepless nights getting himself prepared to step back in the ring. There again, stepping back in the ring, that’s going to be a touch-and-go situation after you’ve broken your neck. But we know it can be done, you look at a guy like Kurt Angle, broke his freaking neck and won an Olympic Gold medal. So we know it can be done. Just like you was talking about. Big E having so much muscle around the neck of the trapezius. His shoulders, I am sure that helped him a whole lot. As far as not going through what most probably would have gone through in that situation right there. I am sure his recovery time, just that alone, having that is going to help him a whole lot.”

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Published by
Stefano Briganti

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