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Brian Hebner Says WWE Lucked Out On Recent Executive Hire

WWE Hall of Famer Jeff Jarrett recently took over the position of Senior Vice President of Live Events for WWE.

During his Reffin’ It Up

podcast, Impact Wrestling referee and son of Earl Hebner, Brian Hebner gave his thoughts on Jarrett’s new role and how WWE found the perfect person to take it over.

“This is probably the best move WWE can make,” Hebner said. “Jeff [Jarrett] is a very, very smart guy when it comes to live events. I have worked so many live events with him and I could tell you, man, like, this guy, now this is going back to TNA days, he did every radio, every appearance, he did everything.”

Brian Hebner recently announced his retirement after 20 years of working as a referee. He was a referee for both WWE and Impact Wrestling and is set to call his final matches at this Sunday’s Impact Wrestling Slammiversary pay-per-view event.

For more news on Brian Hebner and Jeff Jarrett follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

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Published by
Joshua Jones

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