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Brickhouse Brown Passes Away

We are sad to report the news of Brickhouse Brown’s passing at the age of 57. During his time in the business in the 80’s and 90’s, Brown worked as a top heel in southern promotions like the USWA and WCCW. He’s a former WCWA Texas Heavyweight champion, USWA Television champion, and a three-time USWA tag team champion with three different partners. He also briefly worked in the WWF (WWE) as an enhancement talent in 1995.

On July 20th it was reported he’d passed from prostrate cancer, but it turned out to be false as he woke up in the night and told his mother (who assumed he’d passed and was waiting on the coroner). He died nine days later, after losing his fight with cancer. He was honored earlier this year by the Cauliflower Alley Club with the Courage award.

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Published by
Kyle Dunning

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