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Bruce Prichard Looks Back On Bret Hart Being Upset Following WWE WrestleMania 9

Bruce Prichard spoke in a recent episode of Something to Wrestle with about Bret Hart’s run in 1993 and his WWF Championship match with Yokozuna at WrestleMania 9.

According to the WWE official, Hart was upset following the title loss. 

“Bret was upset, no doubt about it Bret was upset,” Prichard said. “I don’t remember when Vince had the talk with Bret, it was probably the night before because we hadn’t made the decision till the day before. There was a lot going back and forth, is this the right thing to do? What should we do? I think Vince going with his gut, we did what we eventually did.

“As far as the match going shorter, that was a timing issue. Nothing more, nothing less, the show had gone long and we were at a point where to make sure that we got everything in that some of the time was cut off on that. That was a Vince call at the time. It was communicated while they were in the ring. Probably debate as to where that time should have gone but at the same time, hindsight being 20-20 you have got to be careful and make sure you get everything on the air back in those days.”

“Bret was definitely upset,” Prichard said. “Bret looked at it as a lack of confidence. Here I am, I’m going and there going in a completely different direction and an older direction at that not realizing it was temporary. I think that would be a kick in the gut to anybody. This is the biggest deal that he could possibly imagine and bah boom, somebody else is walking out. That was a kick in the nuts to him.”

H/T to Wrestling Inc

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Andrew Ravens

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