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Bryan Danielson Discusses Potential Interests After His Retirement

Having explained many times that he doesn’t have many years of wrestling in front of him, Bryan Danielson sat down with Metro to discuss what he could do once he retires.

Due to still being a full-time wrestler, Danielson has no idea about the future yet: “I don’t know. Because it’s really hard for me to imagine being around wrestling and not wrestling. I think one of the things that I do like – I like doing the training. How to make people better, and all that stuff. But for me, the trade-off is the travel. If I was just training or I was just helping people get better at wrestling, would I really wanna do the travel? Because the travel is what I feel like the work is, right? Getting on the plane, being away from my kids, being away from my wife – that’s the work. The wrestling is never the work, the training people is never the work. So, if I wasn’t doing the part that brings me the absolute most joy – which is in the ring – would the work be worth it? That’s what I don’t know. When I was forced to retire and before they had me come in and be the GM, I was just focused on getting away from wrestling entirely because it hurt too much to be around it. I don’t know if it was a voluntary decision if that would be the same way. But I’m also interested in so many different things. It’s like, I feel like I could live a thousand different lives and never run out of things to be interested in.”

Due to his daughter’s passions for dinosaurs, he ended up learning more about them: “When people tell me that they’re bored, I just go, ‘How is that possible?!’ So, my daughter loves dinosaurs, right. I’m trying to learn more about dinosaurs so that I can teach her about dinosaurs. It’s endlessly fascinating, and there’s so much new stuff. There’s this book called the Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs

 that I read that was just blew my mind and all the things we don’t know. I could have easily seen myself being a paleontologist, going round the world looking for dinosaur bones.’ I don’t know that when I’m done wrestling if it would be just… do I wanna keep doing wrestling, or do I wanna pursue the 10 zillion things that are interesting on planet earth in this one life that I have to live?”

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Published by
Stefano Briganti

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