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Cathy Kelley Reveals Why She Left WWE In 2020

Cathy Kelley departed WWE in 2020 and wound up returning last year.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “Insight With Chris Van Vliet” podcast, Kelley commented on why she made the decision to leave the company, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On her exit from WWE in 2020: “While I was really upset at the time over what was going on, just in the world, and then as far as a halt in my career, I really do feel like now I’m grateful for that pause. Because I was going a hundred miles an hour. I was trying to prove myself. So I was doing any opportunity that I could at WWE. I really burned myself out at that point when I was leaving.”

On needing to take some time for herself: “I just had to sit; I had to learn other skills. I taught myself how to write, so I ended up writing a horror screenplay. I ended up writing a pilot with another friend and working on other projects that hopefully will come to fruition one day. Hopefully, the world will get to see, but I worked on a lot of different skills. And then I worked on my mental health because it was really not in a good place when I left.”

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Published by
Ryan Clark

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