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Charlotte Flair Speaks On Wanting To Main Event WrestleMania 33, Sasha Banks, More

WWE RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair recently spoke with Raute Musik to talk about her career and more. Here are the highlights.

On her goals for next year:

“Main event Wrestlemania and make each year better than the last, and just to continue to get better every day.”

On her Iron Man Match with Sasha Banks at the Roadblock pay-per-view event:

“I really haven’t had time to think about it. It was an honor being in an iron man match with Sasha. She really is my kryptonite. I’m really looking forward to 2017 and seeing who my next rivalry is.”

On which historical match that the female Superstars should compete in next:

“I think a Money In The Bank would be awesome.”

You can listen to the interview here:

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Andrew Ravens

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