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Chris Jericho Keeps it Real – Reacts to WWE Congratulating AEW: “They’re Legitimately Embarrassed!”

Chris Jericho did an interview with “Complex Sports” on Thursday. The interview took place before the AEW/NXT ratings were released but after WWE issued a statement “congratulating” AEW on their ratings win. You can check out some highlights below:

On WWE sending out a congratulatory message to AEW: “Because they’re embarrassed. I know how they work. And the fact is, I haven’t seen the actual rating but I’m assuming they know how it is, and I think we probably kicked their ass. They started this. Everything that they’ve done has been a reactionary move to us. We’re not in a war with anybody besides ourselves. I don’t care if you resurrect John and George and it’s the reunion of the Beatles at the Super Bowl or whatever. All that matters is our show. You can put anything up against us, and we can’t compete with that. We can compete with what we’re doing.”

On beating NXT: “They kinda started this war, and the very first night they got destroyed. Big deal, it’s our first debut, great. But they have to come back and say, ‘It’s a marathon and not a one-night sprint.’ Who’s ever said it’s a one-night sprint? It’s not a war for us. Now, we’re placed in one, and we’re gonna kick ass because we’re gonna do what we do very, very well. There’s a little bit of an arrogance toward us that’s now gone.”

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Ryan Clark

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