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Clark Connors Aims To Win A Title In 2023

In a recent interview with the Shining Wizards podcast, Clark Connors discussed his goals for the new year, which includes a championship reign. The NJPW star also wishes to be voted Tokyo Sports MVP in 2023. Connors said,

“Goals in 2023, I wanna [win] a title. To me, it’s important at this point for the evolution of myself as a wrestler to get to the point where I’m winning titles. I want to get at least two at least four-star rated matches by Dave Meltzer. I would love that so much. I wanna be voted Tokyo Sports MVP, that would be cool.[Laughs]”

“No, my main goal is the Clark Connors name, by the end of this year, to be in the pantheon of, ‘Okay, this is one of the top guys in this industry.’ I want my name to be on people’s mouths and I want them to understand this guy’s a player in the game, and I get to actually show people how good I am. I’m really excited to do that.”

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(h/t – Fightful)

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Saptarshi Sinha

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