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CM Punk & Jack Perry Believed To Be Suspended By AEW

A physical altercation between CM Punk and Jack Perry took place at AEW All In 2023 on Sunday. They had a confrontation weeks before after Perry wanted to use real glass for a segment. Punk told him they didn’t do that on the Collision brand and if he had a problem with it, he could go back to working on Wednesdays.

On the All In 2023 “Zero Hour” pre-show, Perry lost the FTW Title to HOOK. During the match, Perry looked directly into the camera and said that it was real glass and to cry me a river when they did a spot where they landed on the windshield of a limo.

There are conflicting reports on what exactly happened between Perry and Punk as some claim that someone threw a punch while others have said Punk pie faced Perry, leading to the scuffle, and Punk choked him out.

Bryan Alvarez of F4Wonline is reporting that the belief within AEW is that Punk and Perry have been suspended while the investigation is ongoing.

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Andrew Ravens
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