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CM Punk Still Being Advertised, Elimination Chamber Note has a new poll asking fans who they want to see win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber match at the PPV. Currently, over 45,000 votes have been cast, and Daniel Bryan leads the poll at 34%. John Cena is second with 29%. Randy Orton is third at 14%. Sheamus is fourth at 11%. Christian is fifth at 7%. And Antonio Cesaro is last at 6%.

— Several fans have said that CM Punk is still being advertised in local commercials in the Chicago area for the taping of RAW in the city on March 3. Punk continues to show up on WWE advertising for various shows, events and appearances, but obviously these advertisements shouldn’t be taken seriously as WWE is working to remove Punk from them.

The fact that he’s still advertised is likely an oversight from WWE and not an indication that the Punk situation is a work – it’s 100% not. As noted, these advertisements are made months in advanced and take some time to change.

There is also the possibility that WWE hopes Punk will be back in time for the events he’s advertised for but each day he’s being removed from more and more advertisements, which shows that removing him simply takes time.

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