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Colt Cabana: Lawsuit From WWE Doctor Is Costing Me A Lot Of Money

Colt Cabana has opened up on his ongoing lawsuit. The trial call date of May 21, 2018, for the current lawsuit brought by WWE Doctor Chris Amann against Phil “CM Punk” Brooks and Cabana has been set for a long period of time by now.

The reason for the lawsuit is because of the comments Punk made during an appearance on Cabana’s “Art of Wrestling” podcast from November of 2014 about Amann’s treatment of Punk while in WWE.

During a recent appearance on the Live Audio Wrestling podcast, Cabana said the suit is still ongoing, and he’s not at liberty to discuss it.

“The update is that it’s still going on, it’s costing me a lot of money, and that’s the extent that my lawyers will allow me to talk,” Cabana said. “So nothing breaking here, but just do know that it’s always on my mind, it’s always a very sad thing. And I’ve talked to other podcasters… it’s kind of changed the way that he’s worked and realizing that this is a reality that you can host a show and get sued for it.”

“It’s always in the back of my mind now, which is a little upsetting,” he continued. “But that’s the way of the world, I guess.”

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Published by
Andrew Ravens

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