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How Did Dolphins1925 Do At The Chamber?, Network News

— As of late Sunday night, WrestleMania 30 was not officially sold out, though 9,916 of the 55,000 sold tickets are listing seats at Assumedly, this means that most of those tickets were bought just to be resold.

— As noted late Wednesday night here on the website, the post-shows for RAW and Smackdown for the WWE Network are planned to tape immediately after the broadcasts in the backstage area while the dark match main event is happening. The post-shows will be a reworked version of Backstage Fallout, but will focus on what happened at the end of RAW and SmackDown.

— For those wondering, Reddit user Dolphins1925 correctly predicted all of the WWE Elimination Chamber matches except for The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family match. He got the match outcome correct but messed up the finish. Dolphins1925 sent out a tweet before the tag-team match ended saying the following:

“Wyatt Family/Shield is solid thus far, but i’m sure Ambrose won’t be pleased when Bray Wyatt pins him shortly.”

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