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JR’s Twitter Account Hacked, Mike Tyson/WWE, Rollins

— Mike Tyson recently filmed promos for WWE, likely for WWE ’13, at the Joint in the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas.

— WWE posted an article about the fifteen most shocking outcomes in WWE history. Some of the incidents that made the list include the “fingerpoke of doom,” WWE buying WCW, Steve Austin turning heel and aligning himself with Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan turning heel and Hornswoggle speaking.

— Seth Rollins defeated Michael McGillicutty at last night’s RAW live event in Alexandria, Louisiana. Rollins was over with the fans big time after the match.

— Jim Ross was hacked again on Twitter yesterday. He wrote: “2nd time in a month I’ve had to change twitter password. However, have all the fun you want. It’s EZ to be a jackass behind keyboard.”

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